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- D I S K O V E R Y : The State of the C-128 Art
- by Fender Tucker
- Before I get into the State of the C-128 Art, let me announce that
- LOADSTAR 128 will now work on any drive! The programs themselves have had
- this capability for the last couple of years but not the LOADSTAR 128 menu.
- Now it does. You can now copy LOADSTAR 128 onto a 1571 or 1581 disk and run
- it, no matter what your 1571 or 1581 is numbered. Remember, when copying an
- issue of LOADSTAR 128 to a 1571 or 1581 disk, copy all of the files on Side
- One but only the files on Side Two that concern the programs. Don't copy
- the "--------" files or any files that are duplicates of those on Side One.
- As the editor of the only 128-specific disk magazine in the solar
- system, I guess it's up to me to report on the State of the C-128 Art. And
- that state is...okay, could be better. We don't have anyone supporting us
- hardwarewise, except Creative Micro Designs, but their stuff is so good that
- I'm not sure we need more goodies. Thanks to CMD I have very fast and easy
- access to my 1571s, FD 2000, RAMLink and hard drive. What other piece of
- hardware do I need?
- Last month I reviewed Randy Winchester's KeyDOS ROM, which is a chip you
- can put in an empty slot inside your C-128. A similar chip is Alf
- Jonassen's THE SERVANT, but you don't really need the chip -- most of the
- main features of it have been worked into a program we are proud to publish
- on this issue, DISKSERVANT. Maybe it's time we realize that 128-specific
- HARDWARE is not going to happen. What we need is software.
- But before I get off the hardware angle, the latest news on monitors for
- the C-128 is: Don't get a new 1084! The new versions don't have the RGB
- circuitry so they won't work in 80 columns for the C-128. The monitor of
- choice these days seems to be the Magnavox 1CM 135. Tenex (1-800-776-6781)
- offers it for $280.
- Besides LOADSTAR 128 there seems to be a small market of 128-specific
- titles. I recently received the S.E.C. CHECK REGISTER from Sparks
- Electronics, 5316 S. 9th Street, St. Joseph MO 64504-1802. It's a well-done
- check balancing program in 80 columns. It comes with a sharp, 23-page
- manual that explains (in slightly stilted language) every one of its many
- functions in detail. It supports RAM devices and actually prints the
- checks, using either your checks or form feed checks. Allen Sparks, the
- programmer, knows the C-128 quite well and takes advantage of its power. I
- would rate it more powerful (and therefore more complicated) than CHECKSTAR,
- our check-writing program from LS 128 #6. It also has a financial
- calculator built into the program, but it doesn't do nearly as much as the
- two financial calculators we published on LS 128 #19. S.E.C. CHECK REGISTER
- is available from Sparks for $24.95 plus $4.50 for shipping.
- I've been concentrating on the C-128 for the past year and I think if I
- had a good idea for a useful program I'd consider trying to market it. I'd
- make it work with all CMD devices and use the full 80-column screen and the
- huge memory we have. Then I'd send LOADSTAR 128 a review copy, advertise in
- the LOADSTAR Letter, and be prepared to give it good support. That's what
- I'd do if I had a good idea for a useful program.
- But of course I don't use my computer for anything useful. I keep lists
- and write letters with THE WRITE STUFF. Other than that, my C-128 is used
- for writing code for the little word and number games I throw at you every
- now and then. There doesn't seem to be any market at all for brain
- exercisers for adults -- on any computer. Everything on the IBM has to be a
- Lucas-sized production number, involving dozens of artists, engineers and
- corporate types. It's only on LOADSTAR that you can find the dreams of
- individuals turned into flesh and blood programs.
- We will publish your dreams. Only 1000 people will see your programs
- (legally) and you'll only be paid three or four hundred dollars for your
- sweat and tears, but your dream will be made flesh on LOADSTAR 128 -- if you
- send it to me. I'm proud of my games, but I would be just as proud to be
- editor of yours. Join the C-128 world by sending me your program. It's
- your chance to be the State of the C-128 Art.
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